Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Examples of Intrinsic knowledge

An example for intrinsic knowledge can be represented by a kid that is learning how to ride a bicycle. His or her parents can teach the child the technique of riding a bicycle but no one can teach how to maintain the balance because that is something that the persons just knows. Maintaining balance while riding a bicycle cannot be taught by someone because every person has a different technique to perform the act. It is an experience and a perception that the person has after having hours or even days of practice. After a while the child will be riding the bike without any difficulty because that is the kind of knowledge the kid has but doesn’t know he or she has inside. This portrays intrinsic knowledge that is what the person knows without even realizing that he or she knows it. It is the knowledge and thought processes that people take for granted and think everyone knows but that they really don’t.
Another example of knowledge that does not require the use of symbols to be expressed can be the situation where two chefs with the same abilities share a recipe but at the end the dishes come up with different tastes. This situation is similar to the kid learning how to ride a bicycle because the chefs have their personal way of cooking although both have the same abilities.

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